Time frames
2007 - .. Black blocs
installations, usually site-specific
don't be fooled: I want no concept, no image, no message
2008 - .. Paperwork
drawings, posters, books, scripts
I'll survive on paper and pencil alone if I have to
2016 - .. Beyond ennemy lines
broke my vows and started to work with images
images of this world
2019 - .. Another matter
web apps, 3d, NFTs, open source libraries
just give me a command line interface already

2022 - ..
progressive web app, drawings, films, prints

video, sound

et en moins à se voir
tous nos jours...
on vous attend devant
(et puis en faire une vanité)
here with 'Belmont' by Julien Monnerie
wood frames, black cardboard, glass, vinyl lettering
145 x 120 cm
image Martin Argyroglo

book, 72 pages
Récits Éditions